Our Company
Wiley Brooks Company, Inc. is a full service real estate brokerage. The predominant orientation of the business has been real estate management. Founded in 1982 by Wiley Brooks, the firm's portfolio has included the full spectrum: single and multi‐family, commercial office, strip mall, retail, warehouse, community association and many institutional owned properties for the FDIC, FSLIC and RTC.
From 1986 through 1990, the firm managed a substantial number of Real Estate Owned (REO) properties for the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). At one time, the number of REO's managed totaled over 150 properties representing approximately 450 living units and 50 commercial rental units with an estimated value over $60 million.
In September 1990, Wiley Brooks Company, Inc. was awarded a contract by the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) to provide asset management and disposition services. The portfolio of 29 REO properties, formerly held by six failed savings and loan institutions, had a book value in excess of 12 million. During the four year contract, we were successful in disposing of 28 out of 29 troubled assets assigned to our portfolio, many of which had environmental, legal, zoning and/or title problems.
Wiley has since retired but continues to serve as an adviser and consultant to the company . Our operations have modernized, but we continue to operate on the same sound principles and practices that he established.